Accessibility Services in the Office of Student Services is committed to removing barriers and providing equal education opportunity and full participation for all. It is HU’s policy that no qualified person be excluded from participating in any HU program or activity, be denied the benefits of any HU program or activity, or otherwise be subject to discrimination with regard to any HU program or activity. Toward this end, and in conjunction with the ADA and Section 504, HU both accepts, and provides reasonable accommodations for, qualified students with various types of disabilities, learning differences, and neurodiversity.

Feel free to reach out to Accessibility Services at [email protected] and click here to learn more about us: About Accessibility Services at HU

It is important to know that just because you have a diagnosis(es), that does not mean that you automatically receive accommodations. Below are the steps to request accommodations through Accessibility Services:

STEP 1: Introduce yourself and learn about us

Reach out to us at [email protected] to request accommodations and begin the process. We also encourage you to get to know more about us and exactly what we do: About Accessibility Services at HU.

STEP 2: Submit your documentation

Documentation may be provided by mail, electronically, or in-person during a meeting with Accessibility Services

Mailing Address:

Office of Student Services - Accessibility Services

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

326 Market Street

Harrisburg, PA 17101

To submit electronically:

Email [email protected]

HERE is our policy and information on what kinds of documentation we accept and is helpful for the process!

STEP 3: Meet with Accessibility Services and let your needs be known

In addition to the documentation, we require an introduction meeting (either in person or virtually). You are the most valuable source of information regarding the impact of the disability and the effectiveness of accommodations.

Accessibility Services will schedule a the meeting (in-person or virtually), so that we can talk through barriers that exist in your education. This is an interactive process, and we will work with you to determine what accommodations are needed and reasonable within the context of the courses you are taking, and the documentation provided. Click HERE to learn more about "reasonable and appropriate accommodations."

STEP 4: Share Accommodations with Professors Every Semester

Accessibility Services will put together official, signed, PDFs of your accommodation letters.

It is YOUR responsibility to send the letters to your faculty member EVERY semester, even if you've had that professor in a previous class. Professors are under no obligation to accommodate you until they are supplied with those letters. Accommodations cannot be retroactive, so it's very important to do this on the first day of class or as soon as you receive the letters!

You can attach them in an email, or set up a meeting with them - whatever you feel comfortable with!

If your professor has specific questions about the accommodations, do not feel like you have to answer those. You can always direct them to [email protected] 

STEP 5: Stay In Touch

If you start to experience personal, academic, or accommodation related difficulties, reach out to [email protected]

We are more than the people you see once a year to get your accommodations renewed and our door is always open!

STEP 6: Renew Your Accommodations Every Academic Year

Accommodations do not carry over automatically from one academic year to the next. Every April, you will be sent and email from [email protected] with instructions on how to renew and get new accommodation letters. Click HERE for more information about the renewal process.